14th February, 2017 marked the date of the Annual General Meeting when 39 Members attended with apologies being received from twenty Members unable to attend. Retiring President, Bernie Lange conducted the meeting with a presentation being made to John Murphy for 25 years of service. John has served the Club extremely well during these years with many of these on the Committee. John’s knowledge within the liquor industry during the years has provided the club great in-roads for which we will be forever grateful.
The meeting and lunch which followed was held in the Osmond Room at the Arkaba Hotel courtesy of our long time Member & hotelier Peter Hurley AO. Peter and his staff pulled out all stops as usual to ensure that Members enjoyed the best of food and hospitality during the afternoon. Our sincere thanks are extended to Peter, his Chef and all the Staff.
Newly elected Officer Bearers are: Nick Chigwidden – President, David Myers – Vice President, Peter McVann – Treasurer and John Condon OAM – Honorary Secretary. The Committee comprises Immediate Past President – Bernie Lange, Andrew Killey, Glenn Cooper AM,Hon Graham Ingerson, Peter Lewis, David Shipway and Chris Dittmar.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Nick Chigwidden (left) made a presentation to Bernie Lange thanking him for his effort during his time of presiding over our Club.